Professional Membership Committee
The competitive edge of a financial centre depends largely on the quality of its people. An important area of work of the TMA is therefore to enhance the professionalism of the practitioners of Hong Kong treasury markets. In this connection, the TMA aims to introduce a professional qualification regime for the treasury market practitioners in Hong Kong by promoting its individual membership as a professional qualification of the industry.
Terms of Reference
- To review and recommend matters in relation to the membership requirements of Individual Membership;
- To approve application for Individual Membership and to handle other membership matters related to Individual Members;
- To handle disciplinary matters in accordance with the terms as specified in Articles 20 of the TMA Articles of Association;
- To organize training programmes and other activities to promote the professionalism of Individual Members and treasury markets practitioners; and
- In conjunction with other Committees of the TMA, to consider and undertake initiatives to further promote the professionalism of Individual Members and treasury markets practitioners.